Lab Facilities

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Our pathology labs takes-in the blood samples of our in-patients to diagnose any based on the laboratory analysis of bodily fluids, such as blood, urine, and tissue homogenates or extracts using the tools of chemistry, microbiology, hematology and molecular pathology.

Blood samples are collected and wide range of hematology benign and malignant disorders related to red blood and white blood cells are identified in this lab.

This Lab of ours involve experienced biochemist and microbiologist to solve biological problems and identify effects of bacteria, virus etc. and learn the responses of agents in which these microscopic organisms live on.

Our expert bio technicians collect samples and with the help of our latest fully computerized state of art equipment, we ensure accurate and dependable analysis is done. This lab diagnoses disorders such as autoimmunity, allergies and even cancer.
Intensive Care Units

BS Hospital has partnered with CIPACA- India leading Intensive Care provider. This enables our local people to be treated on time rather than to travel a long distance for an emergency and intensive treatments.

BS Hospital has a 9 bedded Neo natal ICU to provide a high standard treatment for any pre-term or sick babies. Our well designed NICU is equipped with all the modern equipment such
as ventilators, incubators, cardio scope monitors, CPAP machine, phototherapy machines to
meet the needs of the tiniest and the sickest newborn. We have been actively proving our experience in treating babies with even server ailments in this ward.

Scans and Imaging services

These scan devices installed in our hospital enables to view the live movements of the baby in the womb. It enables gynecologists to check the growth of internal organs and identify any complications in the growing fetus.

Benefits of taking up a 4D Scan
- Shorter time for Fetal heart screening and diagnosis
- The recorded data can be retained for expert review and revisit of the movements of the baby.
- It also shares the advantages of 3D ultrasound, including examining the Fetal heartbeat, placental localization, and the assessment of Fetal well-being and growth.

We have installed a highly efficient color Doppler imaging device that helps identify severe cancer wounds.
Specialties of this scan that we provide:
- Dimensional Color Mapping of various type of scanners and tumors
- Various views of the cancerous mass which can be viewed in clear detail using our advanced software.
- Full color imagery which enables clear viewing and differentiation of various cancer masses which are present in the body.

Our minimal invasive procedures take a details study on your internal organs using an instrument called an endoscope. The parts through which this endoscope travels in shown to you on screen when our experts review to diagnose any disorders. This is a non-surgical approach which helps in quick diagnosis and thereby for an early treatment and recovery.

This is an echocardiogram that enabled our experts to look at the heart and the nearby blood vessels and diagnose its functions and malfunctions.

CT scans are painless and quick to provide am X-ray image taken from different angles of your body such as bones, blood vessels and soft tissues. Our hospital has highly equipped CT scans that precisely helps in disgonising internal injuries or any type of trauma.
Other Facilities

We provide our in-patients and out-patients with best in class diet food. This is also provided to our staff and the visitors. This kitchen takes advices from our Dietary department to cook high standard nutritious food to ensure proper health care for our patients.

Our Pharmacy is engaged with highly qualified pharmacists and support personnel who ensure that our patients receive high standard pharmaceutical care. Our Pharmacy runs round the clock with full stocks and friendly service. Our staff deliver the medicines after carefully checking it and will always advice on the medication allotments advised by our doctors. The hospital being NABH accredited, the department follows all the norms prescribed by NABH and this includes professional handling of drugs. Emergency medicines and those that are of high risk are labeled and stored separately. Drugs that are look-alike and sound-alike are stored with appropriate labeling so that there is no mix-up.
Our ambulance service provides the first point of contact with an incident, as well as a patient. We have necessary facilities like monitors, Defibrillators, Ventilators and continuous oxygen supply. Helpline No: +91 9787211000

Critical Care AreaOur multiple critical care area such as:
- Surgical Intensive care unit
- Pediatric Intensive Care unit
- Intensive Respiratory Care unit
- Intensive Cardiac Care Unit
- Trauma Ward

how to find us
Read our latest news from the company or general medical news. Feel free to ask questions in
comments for any news you find interesting
#190, Ettines Road, Race Course,
Ooty, The Nilgiris – 643 001.